Besides the original application of Agile methodologies in IT and digital projects, organizations have started developing agile-change management models, to respond to fast market changes and consequent need to mobilize internal players.
Agile model is an “effective” solution to prepare companies to react to and manage changes, creating structures where employees are persons interacting and creating value and not just tools users or procedures followers.
But there is one key objective, the top priority: organizations must drive radical transformations internally to be nimble.
It is a matter of culture and mindset – rather than pure ways of working – and the agile model can be the solution because it is:
- Collaborative, implying a greater level of co-construction
- Socialising, operating through networking systems
- Open in terms of leeway, to be transferred back down to the operational level
To be Agile effectively and cleverly – and not just as a slogan – internalization and empowerment must be the heart of the agile change. How? We have to keep in mind 3 pillars:
- Build the role of change agents, trained and recognized as key partners
- Create new tools through participative approaches
- Experiment and implement concrete projects
Successful and recognized solutions, real agile projects and participative workshops, have been developed and provided to every level of management. Let’s see some recent experiences with our clients:
- Momentum for agile – 36 hours as a start-up: imagine immersing yourself in a battle of ideas to address a key issue, delivering concrete innovative results, e.g. to design new services or new user experiences. A stimulating experience starting with inspiration, following with ideation and finishing with prototyping
- New ways of training – Agile Cooking Workshop: an original event based on the Scrum framework with multidisciplinary teams doing, creating results, producing and finishing (while having fun and ultimately tasting your own dinner). These workshops can mobilize the teams around the agile through experimentation …a good starting point to be Agile
- Innovation catalyst in Silicon Valley: a unique program, a boost camp in the Silicon Valley, the most prolific start-up environment in the world, to learn from experienced innovators and develop new management skills and leadership types… beyond a Learning Expedition to gain an Exponential mindset
To become Agile means to cause a variation in the company’s DNA, and we believe (because directly observed) that intense experiences succeed in delivering concrete innovative results through motivated team members and improved cooperation between internal Departments.
It is a journey during which the change adoption level has to be measured to be sure that Agility is really internalized, and not just something to boast about.
- How to balance traditional organizational models with the agile approach?
- Which professional paths, salary levels and incentive mechanisms for Agile roles?
- Which barometer to measure the understanding, approval and participation to change?