Industry 4.0

Towards Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 and digitalisation are the key words regarding manufacturing and supply chain evolution. An increasingly number of companies is allocating an important part of their budgets to Industry 4.0 related projects. Each manufacturing plant, regardless of the sector, knows that something shall be done on this topic and the management is daily pushed to…

Data & Digitalization Survey 2018

Data & Digitalization Survey 2018: Quale Impatto sul Marketing delle Aziende Europee?

Eurogroup Consulting Italia annuncia la pubblicazione del Survey europeo sul “Digitalization and Data” dal titolo: “The Data Rush: European Marketing Survey on Data & Digitalization”. Il survey, realizzato da NextContinent, network internazionale di Eurogroup, contiene le interviste a 17 grandi imprese europee operanti nel settore Consumer Goods & Retail. All’interno del survey sono presenti alcuni…